Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy New Year!
Use the code yearend2010 in an email to me or notes to seller and I will process the refund withing 24hrs.
Customs ARE included in this sale so get in on it now!
Due to increases in the cost of supplies and shipping, prices will be going up Jan 1, 2011
Thanks for all your support this year!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Quick update/New Store
As you all know, I launched a new store! Ok, so its not super new, but I am still working on getting it set up. So to help me out I am calling on all my loyal customers and fans. I am looking for super cute pictures of my products being used. If you want to enter and for more information about the contest click on the button at the top of this page. Contest is from August 22-September30 2010
And Don't forget to check out the store site!
BabyBug Creations
New Ooga Booga Colors

Photo Contest Time!
Photo Contest time! Runs AUG 22-SEPT 30. Max of 5 entries per person
I need some new pictures of my products being used in real life! While my boys are cute, they seldom sit still anymore and they don't make for the best pictures!
So send me your pictures of any of my products that you use in real life, being used. Whether they are being worn by your child, used by you, taken in the car on the way to soccer practice, I want to see them! Photos will be judged by a non-biased panel based on the creativity and functionality of the photos.
There will be 2 winners who will receive a prize pack valued at $50 or more and 2 winners who will receive a prize pack valued at $20 or more.
*I must be able to see the products, ie be able to tell what they are, in the pictures.
*items purchased used are also counted.
*I reserve the right to use any and all photos submitted on my website &/or in any advertisment (will put watermark on photos)
*Maximum of 5 photos per person, one entry per photo.
*Be as creative as possible, I want to see how you use what I create in your daily lives!
Please send photos to with the word PHOTO CONTEST in the subject. Pictures posted on this page will not count.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Want to win a double wetbag?
Monday, April 26, 2010
2 year anniversary & Autism Awareness month

~2 yrs ago, I started BabyBug Creations with the hope that it would allow me to stay home. I never DREAMED how big it would become! In honor of my 2yr anniversary, I will be offering a discount on select items throughout the month. You must either become a follower through google reader (HERE) or a fan on FACEBOOK or follow me on TWITTER to find out what the discounts are! They will be amazing discounts & you won't want to miss out!
~Also in celebration of my anniversary, I will be doing a contest- refer a friend & be entered to win a $25 gift certificate! All you have to do is have the most referrals!
~Have them post to my wall that they became a fan & include your name
~Have them email me with your name in the email
~Tweet me with your name
~comment on my blog with your name
They must include your name to be entered to win. Contest will last From Sunday April 24th until Saturday May 15th. Entries recieved before/after that date will not count!
~It's summertime! Here in Phoenix we had our first 90* day this past week & I have been wearing shorts & my boys have been in soakers because it's sooo warm! I am introducing to the store skirties for your little girls! These are super cute & I wish I had a girl to put in them! Pictures can be seen HERE. Please Check out my Hyena Cart & get yours today!
~I also have some of the large double sided wetbags I will be stocking tomorrow evening! Check them out! These are great- 2 waterproof sides- one for clean, one for dirty. Featuring 2 different color zippers to track which side is dirty & which side is clean! They also have a large snapping handle to hang over a stroller, towel bar, or change table!
~Need a place to advertise your business without spending the big bucks? BabyBug Creations offers a place to get your name out there! email me for more details!
~April is Autism Awareness month. My 3yr old was diagnosed in October & the support & resources I have recieved have been amazing! In honor of Autism Awareness month, I will be donating 10% of all sales from April 24th until May 31st to Autism Speaks. So spend away & donate to a great cause!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Earth Week
Also, leave a comment from now until midnight PST Saturday April 24, 2010 to be entered to win a set of reusable baggies!
Tell your friends & have them become a facebook fan or blog follower & once I reach 300 facebook fans or 200 blog followers, I will have a HUGE giveaway!
We will be enjoying our gorgeous weather & heading to the splash pad with my 3yr old's preschool class as well as touring the fire station!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Check this out!
Shoot me an email with what you see to be entered to win a $10 GC good for anything I can/do make!
Happy shopping!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
March is here!
This month I will be guesting on The Crafty Cottage Congo! Check it out & come support some great WAHMs!
Also, grab yourself a great new bag to celebrate spring! These great bags double as a backpack! There are 2 elastic pockets on the inside perfect size for a sippy cup & plenty of room for anything you can imagine! I have had in min: (yes I am a pack rat)
~2 sippy cups
~2 extra diapers
~travel wipes case
~shoes for my 17m old
~a snack trap
~a liter of water
~4 bills
& it wasn't even full!
Matching accessories also available including travel wipes case, diap/wipe, wallet & make up bag!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Great Review & some new products coming soon!
Enter to win HERE
Coming later this week?
~diaper bags
~shoulder bags
~tote bags that can be a purse or backpack
~Double sided wetbags in larger sizes!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Don't forget!
& isn't this the sweetest! This is my friend Tommie's little 2wk old modeling for me!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
New Items & Great Stocked Stuff!

I also stocked a few new boppy covers & an XL wetbag!

Keep checking back in for more great items!
Here's a special sneak peek of a fun new project of mine!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Great Auction going on!!!
Check it out & get your chance to get in on this super great deal!!! This fabric is right around $50 a yard to give you an idea of the value!!!
View the auction HERE
Keep your eyes peeled for great items coming this month! Don't see what you want? Shoot me an email & tell me what you want to see stocked!!!